Thursday, February 5, 2015

Civil Disobedience Essay

Civil Disobedience                                                                                                      Tyler Park
         Today civil disobedience is interpreted as rebelling against the government violently.  Setting places on fire and fighting with one another.  Civil disobedience is seen as an act of stepping out of order and endangering others.  The definition of civil disobedience in the dictionary is  “the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of a government, or of an occupying international power”
The L.A. riots that took place in South Central, 1992.  The Rodney king incident sparked anger and hatred towards police men.

            A young man, who grew up to be a lawyer and later on a political leader and defender of the people was Mohandas Gandhi.  Mohandas Gandhi was first exposed to a great deal of racism during his travel to South Africa.  Gandhi led a movement encouraging the people to fight back against British rule. Although, Mohandas Gandhi was often arrested and imprisoned, he never stopped fighting back. Hence, there are circumstances when civil disobedience is an approach taken upon in order for drastic change to occur.
              In Mohandas k. Gandhi on nonviolent resistance speech, Gandhi states " the consequence is not the progress of a nation buts its decline".  This quote stands out for the reason being once a country has power instead of using it for the better; they tend to use it on things that damage the people most ".  No country has ever become or will become happy through victory in war".  We cannot be our happiest while others fail, we cannot pretend to be the "good" ones while we damage and hurt others and held them from their own happiness.  You cannot receive joy from others tragedies.  Mohandas Gandhi was one to believe in non-violence as a key to justice.
            A great man who was inspired by Mohandas Gandhi was Martin Luther King Jr. an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience. Martin Luther King was a great leader in the civil rights movement as well as Gandhi, he believed in nonviolence to capture the respect of the nation.  Who didn’t stop at nothing until his dream was reached. he was killed for fighting back and believing and defending everything he lived for but just like he said " A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live" in contrary he died a man fighting for his rights till the very end, he died for justice and equal treatment.

            In Martin Luther King Junior Letter From Birmingham City Jail open letter king stated " A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of god".  An unjust law is no law at all, it’s a law out to hurt others and only benefit some.  A law is meant to be an equal understanding which is held liable equally when it has been broken.  Even when king was arrested he was still able to get his message across peacefully without resulting to violence.
            They were able to use education and being civilized at the same time when they were committing civil disobedience.  Both Gandhi and King never resulted to violence, when surely violence was being used against them.  They encouraged their people not to result to violence. they used words and actions as a way of being heard.

Civil disobedience doesn’t mean losing one’s temper and going crazy but being able to gather ones selves and thoughts while using words instead of violence to get things done.  They say "fight fire with fire" but well that’ll just make things worse one must know how to communicate in order to be taken seriously.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Autobiographical Essay

      I was born in Englewood, New Jersey on November 13, 1998. I was born and raised in New Jersey until i made the move out to California. I moved here in elementary school and made many new friends here. When i was a kid, I would always get in trouble. I never could focus in school because everything was so boring. I have more interests in things that you don't have to learn out of a book.My favorite subject is Art because i have always been a drawing enthusiast and i feel like anyone can draw and there is not a skill level and a certain way you have to do it. I don't like to be restricted and told what to do so i feel like drawing can let me be individual.

      My parents split up when i was young so i moved to California. I was not really ready for the big change. I moved here with my mom and we had a great life together. I now live with my grandmother in south Central which is a far commute to school in the morning. I never liked to wake up early but now that i live far from school it gives me a routine to wake up at 450 every morning and take the bus to school.

      I don't like homework because i feel we get enough work at school as it is. I think that many kids do not do homework because they have to work after school, and it may take them a while to get home. I know that when i get home from school i am exhausted and always sleep. It takes me about 2 hours each way to get to school on the bus. I spend that time drawing and listening to music.
I don't live in a traditional Korean household setting. I don't have two parents that I live with and Korean is not the primary language spoken at home.

MLA citation/LA times Article

Fenno, Nathan. "Goodell, league losing the credibility game." The LA Times. 11 september, 2014 C7.
     The Article staes that the National football League should take more consideration to guarantee the saftey of their players. After the Ray Rice indicent, the league believes that players should be counsled and treated. People blame these orginizations for hiring these playersand not paying close attention to them in their personal life. I think that it is not the NFL's fault at all. Before every paler is hired in the NFL i would think that they do a thorough check of that individuals background. It is completely that playes responsibility now to be responsible on and off the field for the sake of hiself and his team. It is not the leagues or the teams jon to be watching that players every mve 24/7. I think that all plaers should hav e a mentor or a coach to where they could report to every week if they ahve had problems in the past. I still believe that players should have more freedom with their personal life but if their issues are affecting their playing time on the field, then there should be more harsh punishments instead of a suspension, ban, etc.

ept essay

       In this excerpt, Juzui complains about how advertisers are using celebrities to showcase and trick audiences into buying these items. She believes that it is wrong of these advertisers to do so. She now wants to boycott these kinds of advertisements and make new rules for these advertisers. However I believe that advertisers need to use celebrities or significant people in the world. People like to follow fads and trends so there is nothing wrong with a bis advertisement.

      In today's world we want to emulate and be like these famous movie stars, athletes, etc. Advertisers See this and take advantage of the situation and use these celeb rites to promote their products. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this because the advertisers are not forcing anyone to but their products. If i look up to a celebrity and they wear a certain brand of shoes and I like them, there is nothing wrong with wanting them. At the end of the day it is my decision whether or not i like something or not.

      In Sue's eyes, buying things that other celebrities use is bad. It is "wrong" to like the same things that other celebrities use. To advertise something and to promote it, you want it to appeal to an audience.

      Therefore, advertisers like to use celebrities because it catches your attention better than seeing and average person. People admire celebrities which is why they want things that these famous people use. which is why company's like to use this celebrities., for a better business.

     Although people may think that this is smart advertisement this is just what  is best for business. no one forces anyone to buy. In my eyes this type of advertisement is a form of persuasion . Just like company use other forms to persuade there buyers